The Qur'an is the main reference source for understanding life's problems, including educational issues. The Qur'an as hudan and bayyinat, provided a positive impetus for its readers to understand more deeply the signs of God's unlimited power, one of which is the thought of education. The Qur'an is a normative source for deriving the theory of Islamic education as well as being the basis. The process of deriving ideas requires the principles of philosophical thought, science, and educational interpretation. The source of revelation, namely the Qur'an and hadith, occupies the top position as the source and foundation of Islamic education theory. Research on the source of revelation will derive the theory as the basis for the development of educational theory at the level of educational philosophy. The theory at the philosophical level is derived from the theory of educational science. Finally, the theory at the level of educational science is revealed in the educational manual as educational practice. This kind of research is oriented towards exposing the concept of education in the Qur'anic cues through various thoughts and outlining the idea of educational goals derived from the development of educational theory.