Islamic Teaching is also an instrument of learning in the formation of moderate attitudes and behavior in religion. The content of teachings on tolerance, multiculturalism, and differences in understanding in a religious context is an important instrument in the content of Islamic Teaching. Ideally, the learning of Islamic Teaching is closely related to the internalization of this religious moderation. Mainstreaming religious moderation in Islamic Teaching can be done through several strategies, namely strengthening the paradigm of moderation, curriculum, and learning. These three strategies are related to each other in the development of policies for the application of strengthening moderation in the context of Islamic Teaching. The policy of the Directorate of Islamic Teaching at the Ministry of Religion Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in the realization of this moderation is considered important to lead to the mainstreaming of the formation of moderate attitudes and behavior supported by moderate religious understanding. In addition, religious moderation can be implemented in religious extracurricular activities.